The Health Benefits of Velux Roof Windows

Greengate's, your local builders merchant, is a proud supplier of Velux roof windows, skylights and accessories. One of the key advantages of installing Velux roof windows is that they allow natural light to flood a room, which can have many positive effects on both physical and mental health. In this edition of the Greengate's blog, we'll reveal some of these many benefits.

Exposure to natural sunlight triggers the body's production of Vitamin D, which is appropriately known as 'the sunshine vitamin'. Vitamin D assists the body to absorb calcium and provides many health benefits.

  • Vitamin D helps the body to absorb phosphorus and calcium within the digestive tract, keeping bones and teeth strong and healthy. People with low levels of Vitamin D are more vulnerable to developing osteoporosis.
  • Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the results of a randomised study of more than 25,000 people with cardiovascular disease or cancer showed that those who took Vitamin D supplements had a 25% reduced risk of dying compared to the control group who were given placebos.
  • The body's immune system helps people to fight off infections and viruses and the performance of this system is boosted by Vitamin D. A study published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine concluded that a deficiency of Vitamin D increased susceptibility to infections.

Exposure to sunlight increases the body's production of serotonin, the 'feel good' hormone that induces a feeling of wellbeing and boosts mood. On the other hand, a lack of natural light increases the body's production of melatonin, a hormone that encourages sleep. People living and working in rooms flooded with natural light are therefore more likely to feel awake and alert.

Reduced exposure to natural light, coupled with the increasing amount of time spent in front of computer, TV and mobile phone screens, can increase the potential for damage to the eyes. The eyes have evolved to work best under natural light and so increased exposure reduces this potential for damage.

When a room can be illuminated with natural light, it reduces the amount of time that electric lighting is required, resulting in cost savings. With more money in your pocket, you'll have less stress! This power-saving is also great for the environment, which helps to create a better world both now and in the future.

We invite you to browse the Greengate's website to discover our complete bestselling collection of Velux roof windows and accessories. Light up your life!

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