4 Ways to Spot a Woodworm Infestation

If you have been taking advantage of the warm weather to get out and about more, then you're not the only one! The summer months are known in the trade as 'woodworm season', as it's around this time that an infestation is most likely to become evident. Here's how to spot woodworm in YOUR property...

4 Ways to Spot a Woodworm Infestation    

Woodworm' is an umbrella term and refers to the larvae of several types of wood-boring insects; the most common of these is the furniture beetle. There are several telltale signs that a woodworm infestation is present and these are the four most common:

  • Visible holes in timber.
    Wood-boring insect larvae can live within timber for up to three years. They survive by burrowing through the internal structure of the material, eating it as they go. Eventually, the larvae pupate and become adult beetles, which emerge on the timber surface during woodworm season to start the breeding cycle once more. As they emerge, they leave a small hole.
  • Frass.
    This term refers to a fine, sawdust-like powder which follows the beetle out of the hole as it emerges. If holes are discovered, you should immediately check for frass in the vicinity, as this will help to confirm that an active infestation of woodworm is present.
  • Timber damage.
    As the larva burrows through timber, it weakens the material internally. Over time, this weakening starts to show at the surface, causing timber to become flaky and brittle. This is particularly common in long-term infestations that have not been attended to.
  • Beetles.
    Adult woodworm beetles are notoriously shy and are rarely seen alive. It is however quite common to find dead adult beetles around the infested timber.

Greengate's offer several wood treatment options to facilitate the eradication of woodworm and prevent re-infestation. Discover your options NOW on our website!

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